From air freshening to provision of hand soap, toilet tissues and urinal sanitizers, we provide effective products and timely services to take care of all your washroom needs. For a simple monthly fee, we will supply, install and maintain the necessary hygiene supplies at regular intervals to help you maintain a clean and fresh washroom at all times. Our stylishly designed and easy to use range of products will easily blend in any washrooms providing a pleasant experience for your users.
Air Freshening
A pleasantly scented facility can enhance the feeling of cleanliness and positively create a good impression for your business. Keep your facility smelling clean and fresh.
Air Freshening
Hand and Body Soap
Provision of effective hand and body soaps considerably reduces the transmission of germs. Choose from our range of commercial soap dispensers and refills.
Hand and Body Soap
Hand Sanitation
Prevent the transmission of germs and reduce the risk of illnesses using MaxShield range of anti-microbial solution for Hand Washing and Sanitation.
Hand Sanitation
Hand Towels
Proper hand drying is a vital part of effective hand care and can minimize cross contamination. We offer all options of hand drying solutions to suit any needs.
Hand Towels
Hand Dryers
For a fast and efficient drying solutions, we offer reliable, quality and energy efficient hand dryers.
Hand Dryers
Toilet Tissue
We offer a supply service for Jumbo Roll Tissues and durable dispenser with a classic design.
Toilet Tissue
Toilet Seat Sanitation
Improve the cleanliness of your restroom and considerably reduce the risk of contamination.
Toilet Seat Sanitation
Urinal Sanitizing
Tackle bacteria and malodours in your washrooms using our Urinal Cleaning and Sanitizing Service.